Following steps of Marc Chagall, from Belorus to France
Marc Chagall and his Vitebsk..
Picasso: “When Matisse dies, Chagall will be the only one painter left who understands what color really is….”
Marc Chagall (born Moishe Segal) was born in Vitebsk, in 1887, Russian Empire, later, Soviet Union, now Belarus.
He was the oldest of nine children. His father Zachar, was a herring merchant and mother Feigele sold groceries. Most of what is known about Chagall’s early life has come from his autobiography, My Life.
In it, he described the major influence that the culture of Hasidic Judaism had on his life as an artist.
Vitebsk itself had been a center of that culture dating from the 1730s with its teachings derived from the Kabbalah. He left Belorus in 1922. The geography of the places connected with the name of the artist, extends to Russia, France, Switzerland, Germany, England, USA and Israel.
Painting Grand Opera Plafond in Paris, stained glass windows in churches of Mainz, Zurich, synagogue in Jerusalem, mosaic panels for Nationa library in Chicago, and many of his works being now all over the world…..
His creativity is close and dear to people of different countries and different nationalities and religions.
However, there is one city in the world, memory of which he carried through all his life – small town Vitebsk which is now known to the whole worlds because of Chagall. “I have not seen you , my beloved town, for a long time… But I had your breath on my paintings. Talked to you in this way..”
Pokrovskaya Street…. “There are churches, fences, benches, synagogues, plain and external buildings… The beggar is in hurry to reach home, the rich man is pacing sedately. The boy is running from cheder.. And my father is going home..” Marc Shagall, “My life”.
Marc Chagal’s memorial House museum in Pokrovskaya street was open in 1997. Subjects of life from 19-20 centuries, copies of archival documents and artists works, telling about years of life in Vtebsk are presented in the museum.
The sculpture “Vitebsk Melody on the French Violin” is erected in the museum’s garden. The sculptor is Valerij Moguchij. There is also a monument dedicated to Chagall by sculptor Alexander Gvozdikov in the beginning of Pokrovskaya St, Every year on artist’s birthday, July 7, there is a holiday on Pokrovskaya st. in which musicians, actors and performers take part. Chagall married Bella Rosenfeld in 1915, she was subject of artists many paintings
Bridge in Vitebsk over Dvina River became the the place of their dates. “The Bridge for us is paradise. We escaped from small houses with low ceilings to look at the sky… The air clarifies between the city and water… The wind brings flower aroma. You walk on streets at an easy place… And on the bridge you fly headlong. Water and wind help you. The cool rises through a wooden flooring. And you do not want to come down to earth, to paved small streets… “Bella Chagall “Burning fires.
Chagall pictured Vitebsk in His works: On the ceiling of the Parisian Grand Opera On the murals of the New York Metropolitan Opera On the windows of Cathedrals, churches (Mainz, Reims, St. Etienne) On Numerous canvas
The home on Marc Chagall’s at Pokrovskay St. has been preserved since the early 1900. “Not a single picture I have where you cannot see a fragment of my Pokrovskays st. .. It may be imperfect but by no means from my point of view…. Marc Chagall
Liozno Village – the place of Chagall’s childhood where his grandparents lived.
The picturesque place and family traditions inspired the young artist for painting his canvas. “Many people with releif and even delight discover in those innocent whims of my relatives a key to my art.” March Chagall
In 1918, Marc Shagall founded the Vitebsk Art College where performed:
Yehuda Pan (Chagall’s first teacher) Kazimir Malevich (the author of the “Black Square” El Lissitzky.
Today, Vitebsk art school
We can suggest a tour of 4 days in Belarus, from Minsk, to Vitebsk and Liozno.continues artistic traditions. It is often said the atmosphere of the city itself breeds creativity.
After that, continue to Paris, or Rheims, follow artist’s steps. You can see The one important Chagall work in Paris is the wonderful ceiling at the Opera Garnier (subject to availability – unless the theater is closed for reherasal). We can take you to great many cafés, especially in Montparnasse… Then go to Rheims to see design stained glass windows by Chagall. Continue to South of France where you visit Chagall museum in Nice and St. Paul De Vence where is the artist is buried. His grave is the only one Jewish grave on the cemetery. Whenever I go to Nice, I always make pilgrimage there to visit grave of my favorite artist…
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